LV Prasad Eye Institute
LV Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) and SO Bharat signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Monday, 9 February 2015 at the institute committing assured quality eye care services to persons with intellectual disabilities.
The MoU secures participation of LV Prasad (department of Optometry and Department of Ophthalmology) members to support the local implementation of Opening Eyes program, including providing equipment and clinical directors facilities in and around the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It covers a period of three years, following which it will be reviewed and renewed. 6 camps would be conducted during this period with at least two in a year.
Joining hands with LVPEI goes back to September 2012 when 185 Athletes were screened through the Special Olympics Lions Club International Opening Eye (SOLCIOE) program.