What brings Kalpana from Odisha, Jeyaseela from Tamil Nadu and Indu Prakash from Jharkhand is their passion for cycling. They share a common experience of cycling to run errands, which placed them in a position to block a spot for themselves at the global mega event- the Special Olympics World Summer Games to be held…
Jeevandhara Rehabilitation Research Institute, located in Bareilly Uttar Pradesh is an institute of Special Education, early intervention and rehabilitation studies. Its strength currently is approx. 200 students guided by a faculty of approx. 25 including admin, teachers, special educators, Coaches etc.
SNF (Stavros Niarchos Foundation) made Unified Sports a curriculum here by modifying the sports field…
Asha Kiran , a home for abandoned, supported by the Delhi Social Welfare Department, has been associated with SO Bharat since 2004. The approx. 900 residents with Intellectual Disabilities have been engaged with SO Bharat in Sports and Health, including about 40 of them having been trained as Health Messengers.
The year 2015 was a turning…
While the pandemic changed the normal, it did not dampen the spirit of the youth to join Special Olympics along with infusing a youthful zeal within the adult mentors. From March to July 2021 seven Local Youth leadership Summits were held across eight states engaging 752 youth with and without ID and reaching out to…
Inclusion Perspectives from a team of Youth from Puducherry
Onacis Madavadass , Youth leader without Intellectual Disability
I grew up in the small town of Puducherry completely oblivious of people with disabilities and their life in general. Being a sports person while playing football in my club I would only think about the opponent and how to…
On Fathers Day 21 June 2020
It is a journey of challenges, hard work, perseverance, immense satisfaction and precious personal rewards! I am, Lt Col B D Saha, the father of Ankush Saha, a special athlete who plays Golf and has represented his country in the 2019, Summer World Games, Abu Dhabi, and won a silver…
On Fathers Day - 21 June 2020
What inspired you to have Devanshi join Special Olympics?
We came to know about Devanshi's diagnosis of Down Syndrome in the first month of her birth. We gathered information from different sources to understand the details. It helped us quickly overcome the initial emotional upheaval. Later we had decided to…
All of the 534 blocks spread across 38 districts in Bihar have an isolation centre (to cater to the suspected & the infected people) and a quarantine centre (for travellers) each. A helpline was set up a few weeks back specifically for Persons with Disabilities. 15000 grievances were received and action over them is in…
The idea sparked! – LETS WRITE A BLOG ON THE WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY, Online searches began.. Discussions were held, stoking thoughts and ideas from both ends knocking at social consciousness-
Unified Pair: Aparimita Singh & Gayatri Pore (SO Bharat- Maharashtra)
The celebration of the World Environment Day helps us understand the importance of a healthy environment in…
“Have an audacious ambition and a restless dissatisfaction in your heart, that’s what you need to change the world” – these were the lines we heard during the global youth leadership forum in Baku, in 2018 by Dr Tim Shriver, Chairman, SOI and the words…