Divya Jyoti College of Dental Sciences & Research
On 25 July 2014, SO Bharat, Divya Jyoti College of Dental Sciences & Research and International Association for Disability and Oral Health entered a Memorandum of Understanding, sharing commitment to improve Oral Health of Individuals with Intellectual and other Disabilities.The College will provide Oral health care support free of charge/non-profit basis.
A center for excellence for Special care Dentistry would be set up to cater to their needs within the college premises. The College will also provide trained clinical and non-clinical manpower engaging in follow up care of individuals through biannual checkups along with SOS requirements.
The College has been instrumental in highlighting the urgency of Inclusion of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities from the perspective of maintaining Oral health garnering support from the Indian Dental Association (IDA) and Dental Council of India (DCI)
The College under the aegis of the dean, Dr Renna Kumar has facilitated agreements inked with premier and nodal institutes and organizations in India to promote Inclusion in the field of Oral hygiene and care. MoUs signed are as below:
Latest Activities
April 2017
The Youth leaders at Divya Jyoti intensified the sensitization drive at Divya Jyoti College stirring much enthusiasm and energy through the month of April.
The Autism Awareness Month was marked by advocacy towards understanding and Inclusion of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The AADMD members and the Club Unify youth carried out a Signature Campaign, held a Talk Show also highlighting methods to manage and treat a child with autism in the dental operatory. As part of a Talk Show, discussions revolved around the insensitivity exhibited by general public and the urgent need to educate and understand that a person with autism is focused and is often outstanding and brilliant though may be non verbal and appear to have difficulty in communicating.
The Special Olympics Young Athlete Program was held taking 14 Athletes from 2 schools through 6 stations of motor activities. The youth leaders from 1st year BDS and MDS assisted the SO Bharat resource team in carrying out the drills for Athletes between ages 2 and 7 years
39 students joined the Special Olympics Youth Brigade at the college, through a session led by Wing Commander Aroop Banerjee, faculty Advisor, Divya Jyoti College.The glorious moments from the Special Olympics World winter Games Austria, 2017 were shared. They were introduced to the SO Global Strategy 2016-20 trained in team work , communication , people first language , event organizing and fund raising. They geared for playing a dual role in the society including that of advocates of Inclusion and oral health care professionals for people with ID/DD
American Academy of Developmental Medicine & Dentistry (AADMD)
The American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry (AADMD) was organized in 2002 to provide a forum for healthcare professionals who provide clinical care to people with neurodevelopmental disorders and intellectual disabilities to improve the quality of healthcare of these individuals and assist in reforming the current system of healthcare by preparing clinicians to face the unique challenges in caring for people with ID and improving patient centric research and curriculum in schools
In 2014, the first International branch of AADMD ( Outside of America ) was granted to India – Divya Jyoti AADMD Student / Resident Branch became a reality . The branch has 5 Faculty advisers and 250 student /resident members. They work with athletes and families to better the quality of care. They create advocacy for People first respectful language and learn by hands on methods management and treatment of people with ID/DD. They work with Special Olympics Bharat and create awareness and advocacy by participating and conducting Youth Activation Program, Young Athlete Program in addition to other activities specific to health care
In this short period the Divya Jyoti AADMD Student / Resident Branch bagged the AADMD Award for Outstanding Leadership & Service towards Educational Achievement on 6th July 2016 for all the branch had contributed to enhance knowledge and care of the people with ID/DD through education and research.