[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Satyanshu Deep, 18 yrs, is a student of the Sarthak School, Dhamtari , Chattisgarh. It’s a district situated about 200kms from Durg , which is where the office of the State chapter is located.
The Virtual Cricket event helped discover new talent and Satyanshu was one of them. He has a learning disability but shows an exceptional talent in sports and music. He has been participating in Cricket, Football and Athletics. At this event, he performed the best amongst all others, scaling the score of his team to the fourth position. His neighbours supported him throughout the practises because Satyanshu does not have a cell phone. All his messages were received and relayed to him through his neighbours. Mr Arvind Sharma, a visually impaired teacher from SSA, and his team, were at the ground with Satyanshu, on the day of the competition to guide and cheer him. As a gesture of appreciation, Sarthak School has presented him with a Cricket bat and a ball as well
Satyanshu’s father is a peon at the Raipur Municipal Office while his mother does tailoring from home. He too, contributes to the family income by playing the dhol (drum ) at religious festivals, weddings and other celebrations, in exchange of a fee. Playing the instrument with sheer deftness is another talent he harbours. Belonging to an economically weak background, he never even thought that he would appear online. His dreams have never crossed practical perimeters of his daily life. He is blessed to have his mother, Ms Rambha Deep, brother and the brother’s wife as pillars of support. His school, has mentored him, encouraging him to participate, training him regularly to perform his best. With their support he has surpassed many other students in craft and sports.
Satyanshu prepared himself for this event with great enthusiasm. His true Coach is Mr Jaldhar Sona, his Maternal grandfather who was a popular wrestler in his time, and also was a kabaddi player. Carrying a passion for sports, he would often go out of his way, to watch any cricket match happening close-by, cycling even a long distance, to get there. Two years back he retired from his job of a driver with the district authorities and has since, devoted his time to honing the sporting talent of his grandson, while guiding other children as well. Mr Jaldhar kept very busy in the days preceding the competition as he devoted all his time in preparing Satyanshu. For him, it is the greatest achievement as he has always wanted to see his grandson excel on a bigger platform.
The virtual event made Satyanshu a star; the local media covered him and he was felicitated by district authorities and the NGOs there. In fact, one of the families even invited him as a special guest for their son’s 12th birthday, gifting him with a T shirt and a football. Behind this recognition and his victory, stands a team of many well-wishers, including his family, neighbours and his school
Crafted passionately in his native language, Dr Pramod Tiwari, Area Director- Chattisgarh commented on the importance of events like the ESPN Virtual Cricket : शारीरिक अथवा मानसिक रूप से कमज़ोर बच्चों को अवसर,आवश्यक सुविधा और सहयोग देकर समाज की मुख्यधारा में शामिल करने का हम सभी का प्रयास महत्वपूर्ण होगा और छोटे स्थानों के प्रतिभाशाली विशेष बच्चे भी बड़े स्तर पर, बड़े शहरों में अपनी श्रेष्ठ प्रतिभा प्रदर्शित कर देश का नाम ऊंचा कर सकेंगे। (It is important for all of us to provide opportunity, convenience and support, to mainstream Persons with Disabilities. Our support could have the Special Athletes, belonging to small and obscured regions to be able to demonstrate their abilities on a higher platform and get a chance to bring laurels to the nation) .
Adding on, Dr Pramod says that he is reaching out to the local and State authorities and attempting fundraising to help persons like Satyanshu gain digital access and unleash their best in the given circumstances[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]