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Opening Eyes with LV Prasad Eye Institute

The first few Athletes out of 86 to receive spectacle frames, went back to LV Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) yesterday, following their Opening Eyes screening. Strengthening their support towards persons with Disabilities and SO Bharat, the institute took the initiative of providing frames falling within INR1.7-2.5 Lakhs. These are all high powered glasses. Not just this, the institute decided to have the Athletes chose a frame of their choice.

This is a follow up to the Special Olympics Lions Club International Opening Eyes screening Camp carried out at the GMR Varalakshmi Campus, Vizag, Andhra Pradesh from 16 – 20 November 2015

Mr. C Rajasekhar, Area director, SO Bharat- Andhra Pradesh & Telangana advised, “ Every participant should give their 200% to ensure thorough screening of Athletes.”The team at LVPEI was prepared exactly with that and the stage was set

A team of 38 Opthalmologists and Optometrists belonging to different parts of the country along with technicians and volunteers was created for the purpose. Out of 256 Athletes screened, 28 were referred for further screening and an appointment at the institute was fixed for them while 86 were recommended spectacles out of which 9 bifocal glasses were prescribed for children with Down Syndrome for their accomodative lag.

In the words of Dr. Premnandhini Satgunam,Vision Rehabilitation“  This is for the fourth time that I’m participating in this program. The first two times I was in USA. It is interesting to note similarities in the Athletes across nations:they are loveable, smiling, some enthusiastic and some scared. Many of whom we see in India, if not for this program, would remain uncorrected of their refractive error and undiagnosed of their eye conditions.”

SO Bharat’s association with LV Prasad Eye Institute goes back to 2009 with three camps conducted in the state through their support. The Camp held in 2012 culminated into signing of an MoU between SO Bharat and the esteemed Institute in February 2015 securing participation of the members of LVPEI to support the local implementation of Opening Eyes program, including providing equipment and Clinical Directors facilities in and around the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

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