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GMS7 Training Reuben Silva

Reuben Silva, Senior Manager, Sports Technology, Special Olympics International, led the GMS7 training from 17-21 July 2016 at the Integrated Social Institute, Delhi . 32 participants from 20 states got an opportunity to upgrade their technical skills to match the latest in documenting sports related data. National office Administrative and Sports Assistants, Gireesh Kumar and Siddhant Nath attended the training too.

The training commenced with an overview of the system as well as its advantages over GMS 6. Enhancing role documenting from 13 to 35 would now enable mapping participation of an entire community in Special Olympics. Clearly defining participation across different models of Unified Sports , importing excel files into the GMS format , Report Format mapping , being able to import /export zip or more file types are all benefits over the previous GMS format, making this one more user-friendly and accessible, as reported by Ms. Sulekha Rana, Manager GMS, SO Bharat. Training vis-a-vis Competition Data can be maintained separately.

The participants were introduced to certain new tools making documentation as well as transfer of data from States to a centralized data system easy.

In support of the scale of data coming from India GMS 7 is configured with 64 bit memory as against 32 bit of previous one. The system allows larger numbers and faster connection along with creation of Census Report.

Mr. Reuben Silva was pleased to answer questions asked by the participants that clearly reflected their experience in GMS implementation and willingness to apply the new format with immediate effect.

Hansini Raut, Trainee from Maharashtra: it is a fantastic software. Really good! It has everything from registration to divisioning to games management. Also, Reuben explained extremely well and also repeatedly, if required. It was fantastic

Richard Pinto, Trainee from Karnataka: It is fantastic. It will help me track events, in fact control the whole state easily. Even 15 years down, I would know exactly what happened on that particular day. It is a record that can’t be undone. It is a powerful instrument that will make a revolution. When implemented, it will make everyone’s life easy, manageable, all in a click! I wish we had more than 4 days I have started using it today, making myself super user

Air Marshal Keelor PVSM, KC, AVSM, VrC

In view of the benefits that GMS 7 has over the previous format, it will certainly make data entry an easier and a more accurate process. I am pleased that the training could take place in India with such enthusiastic participation from the State Programs and the willingness to implement it. This clearly shows an eagerness to constantly reach out to superior standards of functioning