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Consultant, Santan, Sahid Nagar,BBSR

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dr Mohanty is a Consultant, Santan,
Sahid Nagar, BBSR and an Hon. Consultant at the Open Learning System and also at the Institute of Health Science. An M.D. in Paediatrics, he is a life member at the Indian Academy of Paediatrics -Paediatrics Association of India, the Indian Red cross Society and many more.
He has been honoured with the Pioneer Award by IAP East Zone – 2006

Hon. consultant for rehabilitation
In Govt.sector,NGOs State ,
National and private sector from
: -Open Learning System for children with cerebral palsy and orphan children
-Institute of health science for children with speech and hearing deficit.
-Bhima Bhoi blind school for children with visually deficit
Consultant for CYSD and Plan International for slum dweller
– Indian Academy of Paediatrics as state coordinator for disability chapter and an editor for the journal 2001-2002[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]