About Organization

Special Olympics Bharat is a National Sports Federation also registered under the Indian Trust Act 1882 in 2001 and is accredited by Special Olympics International to conduct Special Olympics Programs in India. It is recognized by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India as a National Sports Federation in the Priority Category, for development of Sports for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, and is a designated Nodal Agency for all disabilities on account of its national presence and experience, especially in rural areas which account for nearly 75 per cent of the disabled population in India.

At the Special Olympics Bharat, all the RTIs (Right To Information)are being looked after by Mr Harpreet Singh, Sports Director,SO Bharat while the competent authority for the same is the Founder & CEO , Air Marshal Denzil Keelor.

Intellectual Disability

Intellectual disability is characterized by significantly below-average intellectual functioning (generally regarded as IQ below 70) combined with impairment in carrying out varying aspects of daily life and adapting to the normal social environment. As per SOI General Rules Article 2: Special Olympics Athletes Para 2.01 (D) A person is considered to have an intellectual disability for purposes of determining his or her eligibility to participate in Special Olympics if that person satisfies any one of the following requirements: The person has been identified by an agency or professional as having an intellectual disability as determined by their localities; or The person has a cognitive delay, as determined by standardized measures such as intelligent quotient or “IQ” testing or other measures which are generally accepted within the professional community in that Accredited Program’s nation as being a reliable measurement of the existence of a cognitive delay; or The person has a closely related developmental disability.

A “closely related developmental disability” means having functional limitations in both general learning (such as IQ) and in adaptive skills (such as in recreation, work, independent living, self-direction, or self-care). However, persons whose functional limitations are based solely on a physical, behavioral, or emotional disability, or a specific learning or sensory disability, are not eligible to participate as Special Olympics athletes, but may be eligible to volunteer for Special Olympics In conjunction with the above rules of SOI, SO Bharat complies with rules laid out by the office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities.For relevant information kindly refer to Pg 12 of 68; Appendix. III;A 1,2 and 3 Details

Our Work

Building athletes, changing attitudes

Special Olympics Bharat strives to:

  • Focus on holistic development and training that goes beyond the classrooms into the playing fields, cultural and community centres, to motivate children with disabilities to join and remain in school
  • Create role models who will inspire the children and also motivate parents into sending their children to school and to participate in sports and other extra-curricular activities
  • Train teachers to sensitise them to needs of special children, and create a cadre of physical education teachers from among the disabled who can work with schools and community centres
  • Ensure maximum involvement of community for greater public understanding and acceptance of people with intellectual disabilities; most of our activities are run by local volunteers
  • Ensure all Special Olympics Bharat activities local, state, national and international reflect the Olympic movement values, standards, ceremonies and events.
We aim to reach out to over 100,000 people with intellectual disabilities in India every year.

The Special Olympics Bharat sports programme is supported by seven special initiatives designed for a holistic development of the athlete, exposing him or her to myriad programs in health, education and leadership.

“Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”

-The Special Olympics Athlete oath


The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.


Special Olympics Bharat believes:

  • People with intellectual disabilities can learn, enjoy, and benefit from participation in sports, with proper help and encouragement.
  • Consistent training helps develop their sports skills, and competition among those with equal abilities tests those skills, measures their progress and provides incentives for personal growth.
  • Sports strengthen and benefit people with intellectual disability physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. They also help their families and the community at large, both through participation and observation.

Special Olympics Bharat works towards the social acceptance of people with intellectual disabilities, whereby they are respected and given equal chances to become productive citizens. We encourage our athletes to move from the Special Olympics training and competition into school and community programmes where they can compete in regular sports activities.

Special Olympics Bharat is a National Sports Federation also registered under the Indian Trust Act in 2001 and is accredited by Special Olympics International to conduct Special Olympics Programs in India. It is recognised by the Government of India as a National Sports Federation in the Priority Category, for development of Sports for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, and is a designated Nodal Agency for all disabilities on account of its national presence and experience, especially in rural areas which account for nearly 75 per cent of the disabled population in India

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