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Special Olympics Bharat

02 - President Kalam

The Special Olympics program came to India in 1988 with the formation of Special Olympics India in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The movement had approx 10,000 Athletes enrolled with it at that time. By the time it moved to Bangalore in 2001 it showed signs of stagnation.


Strongly endorsing the need of a sports program for persons with Intellectual Disabilities in India drove Air Marshal Denzil Keelor PVSM, KC, AVSM, VrC to take up the challenge. Special Olympics Bharat was formed and registered in 2001 under the Indian Trust Act 1882.By 2004,  28,652 Athletes  and 1860 Coaches from 22 States were registered  in the SO Bharat program supported by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

SO Bharat was recognized as a  National Sports Federation on 19 January 2006 by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and was upgraded to the Priority Category on 8th April 2006. The MYAS scheme enabled us to implement the Special Olympics Program across all the States and Union Territories of India. Concurrently, the Sarv Shiksha Abhyan  (SSA) covering 1 million schools all over rural areas provided us a platform to reach out to a large segment of the Children with Special Needs (CWSN)

Strengthening support of the Govt of India

The first challenge faced was to be able to take the team to the Special Olympics World Summer Games  held in Ireland in 2003. Through the intervention of Ms. Jayshree Banerjee, MP Rajya Sabha at that time we were able to participate. In this context it would be pertinent to document support extended by Mr. Ram Naik who was the Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas at that time, following a meeting with him in September 2002. Under his advisory the ministry bore the cost of travel of our team to Ireland to the tune of Rs. 1 Crore. This included cost of travel of the team to Ireland and for the Medals

UntitledSoon after, we endeavoured to become a federation and achieved success when our case was raised to the level of the Prime Minister. A visit by Dr. Tim Shriver, Mr. Bart Corner and Mr. Ray Lane, Board Members Special Olympics International, in March 2005 consolidated our efforts. In 2006 we were recognized as a National Sports Federation and were upgraded to the Priority Category in April of the same year, bringing us at par with all other National Sports Federations. This also made us the first Special Olympics organization in the world to receive this recognition. The inherent significance of this is that our Athletes (Persons with Intellectual Disabilities) participating in International Competitions will be treated at par with those without Intellectual Disabilities.

Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports assumed responsibility for the training and participation of the SO Bharat National Team for all subsequent Special Olympics World Games

Accentuating their support to SO Bharat and promoting Inclusion the Government of India institutionalized Cash Awards to Special Olympics winners in January 2015

From the Founder & CEO Air Marshal Denzil Keelor

(As told in March 2020)

After I retired from the Indian Air Force, I became the President of the YMCA. In 2000 I received a request to take over as Chairman of Special Olympics India, which was headquartered in Bangalore, running across nine states only. Within a years’ time I re-located the HQ to New Delhi. It is only natural that having an estimated population of 30 Million persons with ID in India I desired to reach out across the length and breadth of the country. To set up an organization became my immediate objective, to accomplish which, I selected teams at the National and State levels. In 2001 ‘Special Olympics Bharat’ was born as a new registered Trust, accredited by SOI, and a new Constitution was written

The first Torch Run, under the SO Bharat banner was held across 29 cities of India, commencing from Rajghat Delhi. When I recall the conception of SO Bharat I cannot elude mentioning the conflicts that had to be circumvented in order to see the light of the day. Re-locating the headquarters from Bangalore to Delhi, facing opposition from senior people, abrupt termination of funds etc. made the going tough. 2003 was the year for the World Summer Games at Ireland but there were no funds. Therefore fund raising was attempted and with support from a few Corporates SO Bharat sent its team of 103 Athletes and Coaches for the games. Ms Jaishree Banerjee MP, pursued to raise funds, which culminated into receipt of an award of Rs 1Crore from Sri Ram Nayak, Hon’ble Minister of Petroleum. This was a turning point in SO Bharat’s history. The amount was awarded to SO Bharat & the medalists on their return from the Games. The Athletes felt proud of the recognition and SO Bharat intensified participation at all levels.  

The next milestone was achieved in 2004 during the Area Director’s Meet that was held in Goa. SOI awarded the Christmas Grant to SO Bharat. A five year Strategic growth plan was formulated and SO Bharat committed to register 500,000 new Athletes in this five year period. The grant enabled SO Bharat to leap forward and spread the program all over India. A vision was created, in conjunction with the Constitution.

ManmohanI paced ahead to now, get SO Bharat recognized as a National Sports Federation. 2005 once again was the year of the World Winter Games which were held in Japan. This too was unfunded, pushing us once again to raise funds to support the outbound team. Before the delegation left for the World Winter Games Nagano in 2005, along with the Athletes I went to meet the then Prime Minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh, placing my request before him in person. The presence of the visiting team from SOI, led by Dr Tim Shriver, the same year, complemented my endeavors. Their presence consolidated our claim for the Federation status.

Ms. Sonia Gandhi TPS Bart Joginder Troy Air Marshall Keelor and Noel Phillips (SO Bharat CEO)The Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports recognized SO Bharat as a National Sports Federation effective from 19 January 2006, upgrading it to a ‘Priority Category’ in April of the same year. This recognition of our Athletes remains the greatest demonstration of Inclusion, bringing them at par with the mainstream National and International level sportspersons, with respect to resources & support. The SO Bharat Camps now witnessed an enormous participation, running into 400 Campers or more, a magnitude that the Govt officials were not accustomed to. They had never experienced anything of the size and intensity of the SO Bharat program, a situation that we struggled for nearly two years before we gained control.

The SO World Summer Games Shanghai 2007 were the first funded by the Govt of India. I went with the delegation to the Games. I was overwhelmed to receive the ‘Spirit of China’ award. I felt the tide change and felt SO Bharat’s foundation getting reinforced. By 2008 SO Bharat spread to all the 31 States covering 300 out of the then, 679 districts having access to over 1.5 million schools (SSA) where over 300,000 children with Disabilities are registered. The platform for the Athletes was fortified.

The year 2008 was a golden year for SO Bharat. Thousands of Athletes & Coaches benefitted and the stage was set for us to move forward with “Sustained Quality Growth”

At the time I joined the program I did not realize the power of the Athletes, the strongest force that took me through the toughest challenges emerging from multiple sectors. Having fought crucial wars in the past and having served the Indian Air force I was well-equipped with the determination to confront and fight. My resolve to make SO Bharat happen strengthened as I took a closer look at the Athletes. I recall noticing, at an event, the joy and the positivity with which they pushed themselves to reach the finish line, each having a look of a winner. All this in a way overpowered all other odds

From an event I recall vividly, seeing the Athletes run as the whistle blew. They started to run, but in different directions! They needed guidance to stick to their tracks and they easily adhered to it. At the conclusion of the event, all the Athletes went for a prize. They all felt that they had done their best and eagerly awaited recognition, which so many of them, may have experienced for the first time on that day.

As a founder of the Special Olympics movement in a country as populated as India my one point focus has been on the structure, growth and development of the program to serve the multitude. Nevertheless, each story of achievement is a blessing for me. Every achievement is unique, extraordinary and is, in fact, a surprise. Rajkumar, the Athlete from the by-lanes of Sadar Bazaar, Delhi is a figure skater. After his victory at the World Winter Games 2013 he moved on to compete with the mainstream skaters, and is currently seeking training to Coach potential talent in the discipline. Figure Skating is not even a popular sport in India, and is financially demanding. When I see Ranveer, our golfing champion, to see him concentrate & compete is unimaginable. Ragini, Athlete from Delhi, how she managed to go back to the school where she was bullied, to show them her medals and achievements. The school now proudly displays her achievements. These stories spell the success of the program in India

As is my nature, I don’t look at one child. I look at the ‘whole’ lot. There are so many more who need to be uplifted although they may not be a part of the program.  Everyone deserves to be Included. To cite an example, I earlier felt that the World Games throws the spotlight only on a few Athletes, leaving so many in obscurity. But after having gone for the Shanghai Games in 2007 I realized the tremendous impact it had on the program here in India. The impact was overwhelming. It transformed my perception

During the year 2009, the passing away of the founder of the Special Olympics movement, Mrs. Eunice Kennedy Shriver, dominated our thoughts. It was a huge loss and generated a wave of shock and sadness all over the world. We aspired to give her a bouquet of one million Athletes (which we accomplished on 11 March 2013) as a tribute to her for the extraordinary manner in which she created a totally new and exciting world for our Special Children, a world full of hope, joy and excitement. We regret we could not fulfil this wish in time. However, under the support and guidance of her leadership, we have grown, matured and flourished, bringing joy and happiness to many special children & their families. We can never forget that if it was not for her, the millions of people whose lives we are changing, may never have happened

Today, I am delighted to see how some people are breaking-out on their own like the Youth leaders, with and without Intellectual Disabilities. But I am always concerned for ALL of them. I am silent as what haunts me is what will happen to them eventually. My concern is for those who are not there with us. We have a huge ground to cover in India

I am also happy to see that we have entered the Schools, we are not only a splash of sports but we are nurturing a Unified generation through the unparalleled power of sports. I am also happy to see that external organizations want to associate with us. These are remarkable achievements for SO Bharat as an organization and as movement in true spirit. I dream of an India that enfolds all Persons with Intellectual Disability under the umbrella of Special Olympics.

I have hope in the society in accepting, respecting, recognizing & including our special children today &  in the years ahead

One Woman’s Vision
EKS-DaySpecial Olympics International was started by Eunice Kennedy Shriver , sister of former President of the United States of America, John F Kennedy. The idea was born out of Shriver’s experience of witnessing the social exclusion of people with intellectual disabilities who were routinely placed in custodial institutions. Shriver believed that with equal opportunities and experiences as everyone else, people with intellectual disabilities could accomplish far more than ever thought possible. She was convinced that children with intellectual disabilities could be exceptional athletes and that through sports they can realise their potential for growth.

A Global movement

She started Camp Shriver for children with disabilities at her home in Potomac, Maryland, in 1962. The camp became an annual event and promoted the concept of involvement in physical activity and competition opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities. The Kennedy Foundation (of which Shriver was executive vice president) gave grants to universities, recreation departments and community centers to hold similar camps. In 1968, the Camp evolved into the Special Olympics, offering people with intellectual disabilities across the world the chance to play, the chance to compete and the chance to grow.


Mrs. Shriver breathed her last on August 11, 2009, leaving behind a strong legacy, having initiated to transform the lives of the most neglected section of the society. In honor of her life and impact  EKS Day is celebrated across all the National programs of Special Olympics, in the month of September each year. The theme of ‘Play Unified to live Unified’ is a call to action that stems from her teachings that on the playing field we forget our differences. As part of EKS Day, the world is invited to join people with intellectual disabilities and those without as they play together – unified – and teach the world to live unified. The Special Olympics movement helps over 4.2 million people with intellectual disabilities in over 170 countries.  Glimpses of a Legend

20150907_115926All Special Olympics Bharat state programs pay tribute to Mrs. Shriver by way of hosting varied Unified Sport as well as non-Sport events in the month of September, each year.

EKS Day Report 2015

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Tamil Nadu

24 April 2024

The districts level elections were conducted in Tamil Nadu, on 22nd & 23rd April 2024 in 31 districts. A five-member committee has been elected from each district. Having completed and elected the district committees, the election to the state committee is scheduled to be conducted on 25.05.2024
Returning Officer : Advocate S Sathish Kumar

List of Office Bearers of the State of Tamil Nadu as elected on 25 May 2024 HERE

List of the District Office Bearers

News Clipping 1

News Clipping 2

8 April 2024

Newspaper Clipping

SO Bharat Election 2024 Final

SO Bharat Gratitude

Circular Tamil

Election Guidelines

Committee members Date of Joining Role
  • Number of Athletes:
  • Number of Unified partners:
  • Name of Sports in which the Athletes train and compete:
  • Number of Coaches:
  • Number of Schools engaged:
  • Contact details:
  • Updated on:


Committee members Date of Joining Role
  • Number of Athletes:
  • Number of Unified partners:
  • Name of Sports in which the Athletes train and compete:
  • Number of Coaches:
  • Number of Schools engaged:
  • Contact details:
  • Updated on:


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Dr Bashir Ahmad Lone  04 - 10- 2018  Chairperson
Dr Mohamad Ayoub Bhat  07 - 11- 2008  Area Director
Ms Shahzada Akber  25- 05-2011  Sports Director
Ms Sobia Bashir  08- 02-2023  Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 1098
  • Number of Unified partners: 87
  • Name of Sports in which the Athletes train and compete: Football, Basketball, Cricket, Badminton, Table Tennis, Volleyball, Cycling, Shot put, basketball ,Javelin throw and Athletics 
  • Number of Coaches: 60
  • Number of Schools engaged: 26
  • Contact details: Bemina Byepass Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir UT 190018
    +916005498744 / 7006231410
    Email: [email protected]/ [email protected]
  • Updated on: 17 Feb 2024


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Mr.Ragothaman  10.09.2023 Chairperson
Ms.Chitra Shah  10.09.2023 Area Director
Dr. Ram Mohan Singh  10.09.2023 Sports Director
Mr. Ramji  10.09.2023 Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 352
  • Number of Unified partners: 730
  • Name of Sports in which the athletes train and compete: Volleyball, basketball, powerlifting, badminton, football, floorball, table tennis, athletics, netball, handball, skating, cricket,Bowling
  • Number of Coaches: 87
  • Number of Schools engaged: 28
  • Contact details: No,6,7,8,Ecr Main Road,Karuvadikuppam,Pondicherry-605008
  • Updated: May 2024


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Ms Shashi Rana 1.01.1990 Chairperson
Mr DBPS Rawat 1.01.2021 Area Director
Mr Jagdish Chauhan 1.01.2012 Sports Director
Mr Ankur Aggarwal  14.01.2022 Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 500
  • Number of Unified partners: 200
  • Name of Sports in which Athletes train and compete: Floorball, Football, Volleyball, Handball, Athletics, Badminton, Bocce, Cycling, Roller-skating, Alpine Skiing
  • Number of Coaches: 
  • Number of Schools engaged: 15
  • Contact details: A4, Visthapit Colony Indira Nagar Rishikesh Distt- Dehradun Uttarakhand -249201
  • Tel: 7500698412, 7895403378
  • Updated on:12 Feb 2024


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Latika Sharma  13th September 2023  Chairperson
Virender Kumar  13th September 2023  Area Director
Aradhana Mataniya  13th September 2023  Sports Director
Sunena Rana  2011  Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 39,543
  • Number of Unified partners: 643
  • Sports in which the Athletes are trained and compete in the state: Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Bocce, Cycling, Cricket, Football, Futsal, Floorball, Floor Hockey, Figure Skating, Golf, Handball, Judo, Netball, Powerlifting, Roller Skating, Speed Skating, Softball, Snowshoeing, Swimming, Tennis, Table Tennis, Volleyball
  • Number of Coaches: 197
  • Number of Schools engaged: 139
  • Contact details: Daulatabad Stadium, Sector 107, Gurugram, Haryana, 9873343180, 9315755973, Email: [email protected]
  • Updated on: 30 Jan 2024

West Bengal

Committee members Date of Joining Role
CA Pawan Kumar Patodia  18 .09. 2023 Chairperson
Mr Asoke Chaki 20.09.2023 Area Director
Mr Tamal Chatterjee 18 .09. 2023 Sports Director
Mr Saikat Deay 3.08.2016 Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 50216
  • Number of Unified partners: 2899
  • Number of Coaches: 4003
  • Number of Schools engaged: 37
  • Contact details: 42, DASNAGAR, NEAR JODHPUR PARK, KOLKATA – 700045 NUMBER – 033 4004 3639 / 9831077055 / 8232989482
  • Updated on: 21 March 2024

Uttar Pradesh

Committee members Date of Joining Role
  • Number of Athletes
  • Number of Unified partners
  • Name of Sports training
  • Number of Coaches
  • Number of Schools engaged
  • Contact details – Address + Number
  • Updated on:


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Mr. P.K. Nag   10-04-2021 Chairperson
Ms. Susmita De   19-03-2022 Area Director
Ms. Kanta Deb Sarkar   19-03-2022 Sports Director
Mr. Ratan Kr. Acharjee  19-03-2022  Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 60
  • Number of Unified partners: 120
  • Name of Sports training: Athletics
  • Number of Coaches: 24
  • Number of Schools engaged: 4
  • Contact details – Address + Number
  • Updated on: 17 Jan 2024


Committee members Date of Joining Role
  • Number of Athletes
  • Number of Unified partners
  • Name of Sports training
  • Number of Coaches
  • Number of Schools engaged
  • Contact details – Address + Number
  • Updated on:


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Vinita Ahuja 23/10/2021 Chairperson
D.K.Singh  23/10/2021  Area Director
Bhagwan Sahay Sharma 23/10/2021  Sports Director
Gurdeep Singh  01/11/2021  Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes : 59568
  • Number of Unified partners : 719
  • Name of Sports training : Summer- Athletics, Badminton, Table tennis, Volleyball, Football, Futsal, Basketball, Handball, Bocce, Swimming, Cycling, Roller skating, Cricket, Power lifting, Bowling ;  Winter- Floor ball, Floor hockey, Snow-shoeing, Snow boarding, Alpine skiing
  • Number of Coaches : 3540
  • Number of Schools engaged : 159
  • Number of Districts : /50
  • Contact details – 444 - HOMELAND CITY, SRIGANGANAGAR, RAJASTHAN-335001
    Mob Numbers: 9414298216, 8769816216, 9414089080, 9414832350
  • Email :  [email protected] 
  • Updated on: 12 Jan 2024


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Sh. Ashok Kumar Arora  2023  Chairperson
S. Paramjeet Singh Sachdeva  2023  Area Director
S. Mandeep Singh Brar  2023  Sports Director
Mr. Uma Shankar  2017  Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 3387
  • Number of Unified partners: 280
  • Name of Sports training : Athletics, Badminton, Baggo, Bocce, Basketball, Cycling, Dancesport, Figure Skating, Football, FloorHockey, Floorball, Futsal, Golf, Handball, Judo, Powerlifting, Roller Skating, Snowboarding, Snow Shoeing, Swimming, Table Tennis, Volleyball, and Tennis
  • Number of Coaches: 369
  • Number of Schools engaged : 58 Special Schools and SSA schools in all 23 districts
  • Number of Districts: 23/23
  • Contact details : – Amar Gardens , Lower Mall , Patiala, Punjab Pincode- 147001. Mobile No- Area Director-7233000000 , Sports Director-9780364127, Program Manager-7986399912
  • e mail: [email protected]
  • Updated on: 14 Jan 2024


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Sunita Mund  September -2023  Chairperson
Prakash K Rath  2009 Area Director
Sasmita Mohapatra September  2023  Sports Director
Arpita Mohapatra 2018  Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes
  • Number of Unified partners
  • Name of Sports in which the Athletes train and compete:
    Athletics, Football, Futsal, Cricket, Badminton, Cycling, Floor ball, Floor Hockey Softball, Volleyball, Basketball, Swimming, Table Tennis, Power lifting, Roller Skating, Baggo, Dance Sport
  • Number of Coaches
  • Number of Schools engaged
  • Contact details – Address + Number
  • Updated on:


Committee members Date of Joining Role
  • Number of Athletes
  • Number of Unified partners
  • Name of Sports training
  • Number of Coaches
  • Number of Schools engaged
  • Contact details – Address + Number
  • Updated on:


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Lalngilneia  06.09.2023  Chairperson
Lalrinawma  06.09.2023  Area Director
Lalruatfela  06.09.2023  Sports Director
Sarah Lalmuankimi  11.04.2010  Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 400
  • Number of Unified partners: 20
  • Name of Sports in which Athlete train and compete: Athletics, Badminton, Football, Bocce, Cricket, Basketball, Judo
  • Number of Coaches: 25
  • Number of Schools engaged: 7
  • Contact details: Gilead Special School, Brigade Area, Bawngkawn, Aizawl – 796014 | Mob # 9856894674
  • Updated on: 13 Feb 2024


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Christopher Smith Nonghulo   15/01/2024 President
Christine Nonghulo Beale 15/01/2024 Area Director
Tansen Rajkumar 15/01/2024 Program Manager
Tansen Rajkumar 15/01/2024 Sports director
  • Number of Athletes: 500
  • Number of Unified partners: 60
  • Name of Sports training: Football; Basketball; Athletics, Badminton, Bocce
  • Number of Coaches: 150
  • Number of Schools engaged
  • Contact details – Lummawrie, Laitumkhrah Shillong 793003. Meghalaya.
  • Updated on: 30 Jan 2024


Committee members Date of Joining Role
  • Number of Athletes
  • Number of Unified partners
  • Name of Sports training
  • Number of Coaches
  • Number of Schools engaged
  • Contact details – Address + Number
  • Updated on:


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Dr. Medha Somaiya  5th Sep. 2023  Chairperson
Dr. Bhagwan Talware  5th Sep. 2023  Area Director
Mr. Jitendra Dhole  1999  Sports Director
Mrs. Bharati Marathe  1st Oct. 2023  Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 6800
  • Number of Unified partners: 24
  • Name of Sports in which the Athletes train and compete: 
  • Number of Coaches: 200
  • Number of Schools engaged: 5
  • Contact details: 003, Aahan Vihaan Society, Near Mayur Vihar, Birla College Road, Bhoirwadi, Kalyan(W) 421301
  • Mobile : +91 9372392787
  • Updated on: 12 Feb 2024

Madhya Pradesh

Committee members Date of Joining Role
MR. TAPAN BHOUMIK  2018 Chairperson
MR DIPANKAR BANERJI  18-01-2001  Area Director
MR. AHTIESHAMUDDIN  18-Jan-01  Sports Director
MR. ASHOK VISHWAKARMA 2023  Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 7632
  • Number of Unified partners: 260
  • Name of Sports in which Athletes train & compete: 18 Summer Games & 4 Winter Games 
  • Number of Coaches: 1272
  • Number of Schools engaged: 116 Special & 11 Mainstream Schools
  • Contact details: 0761-2602290
  • Updated on: 12 Feb 2024


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Ms Sonam Dolma Sept 2023 Chairperson
Ms Tsering Angmo Sept 2023 Area Director
Ms Tsering Angmo Sept 2023 Sports Director
Ms Eshy Yangzom Nov 2023 Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes : 20
  • Number of Unified partners
  • Name of Sports training : Athletics, Badminton, Football, Volleyball
  • Number of Coaches : 2
  • Number of Schools engaged
  • Number of Districts : 1/2
  • Contact details:
  • email: [email protected]
  • Updated on: 14 Jan 2024


Committee members Date of Joining Role
DR.M.K JAYARAJ   23 August 2013 Chairperson
FR.ROY KANNANCHIRA   23 August 2013 Area Director
SUMESH WILLIAM  09-09-2023  Sports Director
SR.RANI JOE  23 Aug 2013 Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 9166
  • Number of Unified partners: 329
  • Name of Sports training
  • Number of Coaches: 1049
  • Number of Schools engaged: 250
    KOTTAYAM, KERALA- 686633
    Contact Number: 9446204313, 9446508093
  • Updated on: 18 Jan 2024


Committee members Date of Joining Role
  • Number of Athletes
  • Number of Unified partners
  • Name of Sports training
  • Number of Coaches
  • Number of Schools engaged
  • Contact details – Address + Number
  • Updated on:


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Gaurav Gupta  26 May 2021  Chairperson
Dr Ashwani jojra  1st Nov 2007  Area Director
Raj Kumar Sharma  15th June 2015  Sports Director
Sahil Badyal  24 Nov 2017  Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 3000
  • Number of Unified partners: 500
  • Name of Sports trainings: Athletics,Football,Bocee,Floorball,Alpine,Skiing,Snowshoe,Swimming,
  • Number of Coaches: 1200
  • Number of Schools engaged: 40
  • Contact details: c/o Sahyog India, 3/56 A, Daulat Bhawan, R S Pura, Jammu, UT of J&K – 181102
    E-Mail Id: [email protected] ; Mob No. : 9419129299, 7006672470
  • Updated on: 20 Jan 2024


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Mr. Chanakya Choudhary  30th Sept 2023  President
Ms Tina Bodhanwala Sood  30th Sept 2023  Area Director
Mr Lakhan Hansdah  30th Sept 2023  Sports Director
Mr. Satbir S Sahota  30th Sept 2023  Treasurer & Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 4898
  • Number of Unified partners: 1115
  • Sports in which the Athletes are trained and compete in the state: Athletics, Badminton, Bocce, Cycling, Powerlifting, Roller Skating, Football, Futsal, Floor Ball, Floor Hockey, Table Tennis, Basketball, Handball, Volleyball, Aquatics, Baggo
  • Number of Coaches: 55
  • Number of Schools engaged: 48
  • Contact details: JRD Tata Sports Complex, PO Bistupur, Jamshedpur, 831001, Jharkhand Phone 8292851177 email [email protected]
  • Updated on:30 Jan 2024

Himachal Pradesh

Committee members Date of Joining Role
Dr. Mallika Nadda  29-10-2023  Chairperson
Mr. Parikshat Mehdudia  29-10-2023  Area Director
Dr. Sunil Dharma  29-10-2023  Sports Director
Mr. Ajay Kumar Sharma  01-07-2009  Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 636
  • Number of Unified partners: 83
  • Name of Sports: Summer Games: - Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Bocce, Cricket, Cycling, Dance, Developmental Sports, Fitness, Football, Handball, Judo, Netball, Power Lifting, Roller Skating, Table Tennis, Volleyball & Young Athlete Winter Games: - Alpine Skiing, Snow Boarding, Snow Shoeing, Speed Skating, Figure Skating, Floorball & Floor Hockey
  • Number of districts: 10/12
  • Number of Coaches: 45
  • Number of Schools engaged: 30 
  • Contact details: Talbot Cottage Opposite Clarkes Hotel The Mall Shimla 171001 Mobile Number 9816281281 & 9817036585
  • Updated on:18 Jan 2024


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Dr. D.G. CHAUDHARI  1996  Chairperson
Dr. R.J. CHAUDHARI  1996  Area Director
Mr. TUSHARBHAI JOGLEKAR  2000  Sports Director
Mr. MUKESH GOSWAMI  2005  Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes
  • Number of Unified partners
  • Name of Sports training
  • Number of Coaches
  • Number of Schools engaged
  • Contact details – Address + Number
  • Updated on:


Committee members Date of Joining Role
John De Mello  03-05-23  Chairperson
Vrushali Cardozo  03-05-23  Area Director
Samantha D' Costa    Sports Director
Jenny Baccaro    Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 4345
  • Number of Unified partners: 75
  • Name of Sports in which Athletes train and compete: Athletics , Swimming, Football, Futsal, Basketball , Bocce ,Roller-skating, Badminton, Powerlifting, Handball, Judo, Table Tennis ,Volleyball, Cricket, Cycling, and Floorball 
  • Number of Coaches: 700
  • Number of Schools engaged: 15
  • GOA 403001;  Number -782192401
  • Updated on:13 Feb 2024

Daman & Diu

Committee members Date of Joining Role
  • Number of Athletes
  • Number of Unified partners
  • Name of Sports training
  • Number of Coaches
  • Number of Schools engaged
  • Contact details – Address + Number
  • Updated on:

Dadar & Nagar Haveli

Committee members Date of Joining Role
  • Number of Athletes
  • Number of Unified partners
  • Name of Sports training
  • Number of Coaches
  • Number of Schools engaged
  • Contact details – Address + Number
  • Updated on:


Committee members Date of Joining Role
•Dr. Upasana Arora    2021 Chairperson
Mr. Vikram Singh  2021  Area Director
Mr. Surender Kumar  2021  Sports Director
Mr. Ajay Das  2022  Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 5446
  • Number of Unified partners:622
  • Name of Sports training: Basketball, Football, Volleyball, Judo, Handball, Athletics, Floorball, Bocce, Powerlifting Combination, Badminton, Cricket, Cycling, Roller Skating, Softball, Table Tennis, Tennis, Volleyball, Floor Hockey, Figure Skating, Speed Skating
  • Number of Coaches: 655
  • Number of Districts: 11/11
  • Number of Schools engaged: 1148 
  • Contact details: RZF-355 Gali No 7, DDA Park, Raj Nagar-II, Palam Colony, • New Delhi 110 077 INDIA. Mobile No- Area Director-9210080352, Sports Director-9911351309, Program Manager-9971284684,
  •  e mail: [email protected]
  • Updated on: 16 Jan 2024


Committee members Date of Joining Role
  • Number of Athletes
  • Number of Unified partners
  • Name of Sports training
  • Number of Coaches
  • Number of Schools engaged
  • Contact details – Address + Number
  • Updated on:


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Ms Dilpreet Kaur Sekhon 23/09/2023  Chairperson
Ms Sheetal Negi  23/09/2023  Area Director
Mr Amrish Kumar 23/09/2023  Sports Director
Mr Sucha Singh 10/11/2023  Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 736
  • Number of Unified partners: 20
  • Sports in which the Athletes are trained and compete in the State: Traditional and Unified Athletics, Badminton, Bocce, Basketball, Cricket, Cycling, Judo, Handball, Table tennis, Golf, Lawn tennis, Floorball , Powerlifting , Skating and Swimming
  • Number of Coaches: 15
  • Number of Schools engaged: 20
  • Contact details – 233/8,Sector-13.Chandigarh UT.160101.email ID:[email protected]
    9560869381; 9878703051;9988811383   
  • Updated on: 30 Jan 2024


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Dr. Shivajee Kumar  4/06/2023  Chairperson
Sandeep Kumar  4/06/2023  Area Director

Aditya Kumar 4/06/2023 Sports DirectorSantosh Kumar Sinha 4/06/2023 Program Manager

  • Number of Athletes: 9937
  • Number of Unified partners: 812
  • Sports in which the Athletes are trained and compete in the state: Athletics, Badminton, Swimming, Powerlifting, Bocce, football, volleyball, Basketball, Roller-skating, Handball, Floorball, Floor hockey, 
  • Number of Coaches: 294
  • Number of Schools engaged: 39
  • Contact details : 103, Sheela Complex, New Bahadurpur, Bazar Samiti Road, R. Nagar, Patna-800016 (Bihar).Landline : +916124025056, Mob.: 9939992857, , Email:[email protected]  
  • Updated on: 30 Jan 2024

Arunachal Pradesh

Committee members Date of Joining Role
  • Number of Athletes
  • Number of Unified partners
  • Name of Sports training
  • Number of Coaches
  • Number of Schools engaged
  • Contact details – Address + Number
  • Updated on:

Andhra Pradesh

Committee members Date of Joining Role
  • Number of Athletes
  • Number of Unified partners
  • Name of Sports training
  • Number of Coaches
  • Number of Schools engaged
  • Contact details – Address + Number
  • Updated on:

Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Committee members Date of Joining Role
  • Number of Athletes
  • Number of Unified partners
  • Name of Sports training
  • Number of Coaches
  • Number of Schools engaged
  • Contact details – Address + Number
  • Updated on:


Committee members Date of Joining Role
Mr. Pratul Phukan  April, 2023  President
Dr. Anjana Goswami  2006  Area Director
Mr. Nipon Das  April, 2023  Sports Director
Mr. Shyamanta Kr. Majumdar  2012  Program Manager
  • Number of Athletes: 2875
  • Number of Unified partners: 221
  • Name of Sports in which Athletes train and compete: Athletics, Football, Cricket, Badminton, Bocce, Cycling, Floorball, Softball, Volleyball, Basketball, Swimming, Judo, Table Tennis, Roller Skating, Dance Sport
  • Number of Coaches: 210
  • Number of Schools engaged: 17
  • Contact details: H. No. 36, Bilpar Road, Rehabari, Guwahati – 781008, Assam. Ph. 9864077861
  • Updated on: 13 Feb 2024